GoGi Leads is
A sales- and business development partner for private companies and public partners pursuing the twin transition in smart mobility and transport.
GoGi Leads originated from the fact that the green shift in the mobility and transport sector is taking too long, and from the frustration of watching great solutions not coming to use fast enough.
It also stems from the notion of how new and innovative companies struggle with the balance between their technical development and their market development, often at the expense of the latter.
Dedicated to making a difference, GoGi's core services focus on generating new B2B partnerships and new public-private partnerships - speeding up the route to market for smart and sustainable mobility.
Faster routes to market
Well Connected
GoGi Leads has 10+ years experience of collaboration and public-private partnership development from the following industries:
Autonomous mobility and smart city development
Maritime Technology
Leisure Boat Industry
An extensive network and great relations and know-how of European clusters and activities tied to smart and sustainable transport and urban development.
An innovation mindset that embraces change, challenges the status quo, and seeks out business opportunities for improvement, growth, and off-the-beaten paths to success.