What personal data does GoGi Leads process about you and for what purposes?
Your "personal data" means information or pieces of information that allows us to identify you as an individual. This typically includes information such as your name, address, email address, and telephone number, but can also include other information such as IP address and how long you visited the webpage for.
GoGi may use your personal information to:
- send you a newsletter
- provide you with information about events and activities
- provide you with answers regarding our services that you request from us,
- improve our webpage
How long is your information stored?
Your information is stored only as long as you are a subscriber of our newsletter. You can choose to unsubscribe the newsletter at any time using the links in the e-mail or by contacting us directly. If you choose to unsubscribe, all of your information will be erased.
Sharing personal data with 3rd parties
Your personal data is also processed by suppliers who conduct services (process) on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully chosen and all of them comply with the legislation set out in the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR):
Google (Privacy Policy)
MailChimp (Privacy Policy)
Microsoft Office 365 (Privacy Statement)
Mailchimp is the platform we use for distribution of newsletters. Mailchimp is a 3rd party data processor who are EU-U.S. Privacy Shield certified. https://mailchimp.com/help/about-mailchimp-the-eu-swiss-privacy-shield-and-the-gdpr/ .
Google Analytics
Like most websites, we use Google Analytics to optimise the content and flow of our website for your benefit as a user. Google Analytics collects data from the cookie “analytics.js”. No personal data is collected, only data of your devices’ IP address (location) and which pages you have visited during a session. You can always opt out of Google Analytics here . Google is a 3rd Country Processor with a EU-U.S. Privacy Shield certification and ISO 27001 certified.
How can I access, correct or erase the data you hold about me?
If you choose to unsubscribe our newsletter, all of your information will be erased. For erasing cookies, we will advise you to erase your cookies, if you so wish, on your own device according to which search engine you are using e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages within this website. Learn more about Google Analytics.